Evaluation of the International Cocoa Initiative’s influencing and advocacy work

Glenn O’Neil worked with Christophe Lecureuil of CLC Consulting to carry out an evaluation of the International Cocoa Initiative’s influencing and advocacy work for 2015-2020. The aim of the evaluation was to help ICI understand how its advocacy and influencing work in the past five years has contributed to changes in policies and practices related to child labour in the cocoa sector; and to inform its future advocacy and influencing work as part of its new 2021–2026 Global Strategy.

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The Start Fund: Value and Uniqueness

Owl RE carried out this global research  for the Start Fund on global humanitarian funding mechanisms and landscapes with a focus on six countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), El Salvador, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Sudan and Yemen. The report also assesses the value and uniqueness of the Start Fund and puts forward recommendations as to how these attributes can be further optimised for the future. The research was carried out by a team of eight researchers from February to April 2021 through a document review, utilising existing monitoring data and 119 interviews with Start Fund and Network members, partners, donors and other stakeholders within the humanitarian sector.

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WaterAid: Global Thematic Review on Influencing – 2018/19

WaterAid’s aims to influence water and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) policies and practices at the global, regional and national level. This video, produced by Patricia Goldschmid features testimonies from WaterAid staff in Bangladesh, Madagascar, Mali and Tanzania on their efforts in national influencing, as part of the 2018/19 global thematic review carried out by Owl RE in 2019. 

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Evaluation of the IAS Educational Fund – Post Conference Country and Regional Meetings

This infographic provides an overview of the findings of the evaluation of the IAS Educational Fund – Post Conference Country and Regional Meetings.

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Evaluating Advocacy: Challenges, Methodologies and Solutions

This presentation provides an introduction to evaluating advocacy; challenges, methodologies and solutions. Originally presented in March 2021 for the European Centre for Public Affairs.

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