Real-Time Review – Diaspora Humanitarian Response to COVID-19 in Tunisia

The Owl RE team, Glenn, Lois and national consultant Dr Rawaa Salhi carried out this real-time review of the diaspora humanitarian response to COVID-19 in Tunisia (2021) for DEMAC, an initiative of the Danish Refugee Council. The real-time review was part of an overall research project that carried out three case studies (Pakistan, Somalia, Ukraine) and an additional real-time review on the 2021 floods and landslides in Timor-Leste

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Evaluation of IOM’s Migration Governance Indicators Programme

Owl RE carried out this global evaluation of IOM’s Migration Governance Indicator’s (MGI) programme in 2021. The overall objective of the evaluation was to assess to what extent the objectives of the MGI programme have been met and if the MGI process empowered IOM Country Offices to help governments take concrete steps towards the improvements of their migration policy. The evaluation was conducted remotely through an online survey, interviews and discussions, canvassing over 150 external stakeholders and IOM staff.

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Effective risk communication for environment and health: a strategic report for WHO on recent trends, theories and concepts

Glenn and Sarah were the lead researchers on this WHO report which provides a strategic overview of effective risk communication for environment and health (‎EH)‎ globally, with a focus on Europe. An overview is provided of the latest trends, theories and concepts of risk communication for EH, and key challenges and good practices are identified. The report’s findings are complemented by three cases studies: promoting indoor air quality in schools in Hungary; water contamination in the Veneto region, Italy; and heat health action in Styria, Austria.

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Evaluation of the International Cocoa Initiative’s influencing and advocacy work

Glenn O’Neil worked with Christophe Lecureuil of CLC Consulting to carry out an evaluation of the International Cocoa Initiative’s influencing and advocacy work for 2015-2020. The aim of the evaluation was to help ICI understand how its advocacy and influencing work in the past five years has contributed to changes in policies and practices related to child labour in the cocoa sector; and to inform its future advocacy and influencing work as part of its new 2021–2026 Global Strategy.

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The Start Fund: Value and Uniqueness

Owl RE carried out this global research  for the Start Fund on global humanitarian funding mechanisms and landscapes with a focus on six countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), El Salvador, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Sudan and Yemen. The report also assesses the value and uniqueness of the Start Fund and puts forward recommendations as to how these attributes can be further optimised for the future. The research was carried out by a team of eight researchers from February to April 2021 through a document review, utilising existing monitoring data and 119 interviews with Start Fund and Network members, partners, donors and other stakeholders within the humanitarian sector.

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Evaluation of global Messengers of Peace programme for the World Scout Bureau

Glenn O’Neil, Sharon McClenaghan and Obando Ekesa supported the World Scout Bureau in this final evaluation of the 10 year global Messengers of Peace youth and development project. The evaluation used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods collating data and information from nearly 4,000 Scouts, leaders and staff of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, the leading global youth movement.

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Research on Country-level Financing Solutions for Local Actors – Case Studies

Owl RE carried out this global research project on financial solutions for local humanitarian actors commissioned by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and funded by European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation (ECHO) as part of the “Localisation Workstream” of the Grand Bargain. These case studies on three countries, Colombia, Ethiopia and Ukraine, were complemented by a research report,  a literature review and an accompanying guidance note (separate documents).

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Research on Country-level Financing Solutions for Local Actors

Owl RE carried out this global research project on financial solutions for local humanitarian actors commissioned by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and funded by European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation (ECHO) as part of the “Localisation Workstream” of the Grand Bargain. This research report was complemented by case studies on three countries, Colombia, Ethiopia and Ukraine, a literature review and an accompanying guidance note (separate documents).

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Evaluation of the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research 2018

Owl RE carried out the evaluation of the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2018), which was held in Liverpool, UK on 8–12 October 2018. The research conducted for the evaluation included a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods including an online survey, semi-structured interviews and observation. The report was used to provide feedback to key stakeholders and shape future HSR events.

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