African Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA): Evaluation of climate change resilience programme

Glenn led a three person team for the evaluation of this research and advocacy programme of a coalition of Oxfam, CARE, World Vision, Save the Children and Overseas Development Institute. Field visits were undertaken in Ethiopia, Mozambique and Uganda with the evaluation findings and recommendations used to guide the second phase of the programme.

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Transforming Surge Capacity Project: Baseline report 2015

Lois and Glenn were the lead researchers for this baseline report for the Transforming Surge Capacity project led by ActionAid in coalition with 11 other INGOs. The baseline was key for understanding the current capacity of the INGOs in surge capacity across Asia and the challenges faced.

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Joint Standards Initiative: Global consultation on the future of humanitarian standards

Lois led this five person team for a global stakeholder consultation on the status of humanitarian standards. Conducted in Arabic, English, French and Spanish, onsite visits were carried out in Mexico, Panama, Senegal, Kenya, South Sudan, Lebanon and Egypt for interviews and discussions with humanitarian practitioners and affected communities. The findings were discussed at validation workshops using interactive exercises and video testimonies. The findings of the consultation supported the humanitarian sector in moving towards creating a common humanitarian standard – the core humanitarian standard.

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Oxfam International: Evaluation of global communications campaign GROW

Owl RE carried out a mid-point evaluation for Oxfam’s global campaign on food justice – GROW. Onsite evaluation were carried out in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Guatemala and the Netherlands. The evaluation findings and recommendations supported Oxfam in the direction and focus of the second phase of the campaign.

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Oxfam America: Evaluation of global advocacy programme; Global Leaders Empowered to Alleviate Poverty

This evaluation provided an assessment of Oxfam’s contribution to policy changes in favour of poverty reduction and global development. The evaluation was carried out through stakeholder interviews, country visits ( Brazil, France, Haiti, India, Mexico, Spain, South Africa, USA), financial analysis on overseas development aid data, policy analysis of development/aid policies. The evaluation was carried out closely with the Oxfam campaigning team and some 30 local partners. Glenn led an eight person team for this evaluation.

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Norwegian Refugee Council: Evaluation of global advocacy initiative on housing, land and property

Owl RE carried out an evaluation of NRC’s global advocacy initiative on housing, land and property. The evaluation identified successful approaches and potential for improvement in programme-based advocacy at the global level. The evaluation supported NRC in its review and reorientation of its HLP advocacy.

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The future of humanitarian surge

Lois and Glenn provided research support over three years for the Transforming Surge Capacity project led by ActionAid in coalition with 11 other INGOs. The project’s learnings and recommendations for the humanitarian sector on surge were presented in the report “The future of humanitarian surge”.

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Global Environmental Facility: Needs assessment for knowledge management

Glenn was the lead evaluator on this needs assessment of knowledge management of the Global Environmental Facility and its worldwide network of partners. The needs assessment used a mixed-methods approach including interviews, focus groups, surveys, citation analysis, benchmarking study and meta-analysis of previous evaluations and studies. The recommendations of the assessment were endorsed in November 2017 by GEF Council, its governing body.

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International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease: Evaluation of the World Conference on Lung Health.

Owl RE carried out an evaluation of the 48th World Conference on Lung Health. 1,300 conference participants completed an online survey in English or Spanish that supported the conference secretariat in evaluating key aspects of the conference including the setting, quality of content and organisational factors. The evaluation report fed into key decision-making and planning for future conferences.

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