Evaluation of the Shifting the Power project

Glenn led a five person team for this end of project evaluation that was carried out through country visits, surveys, interviews, group discussions, focus groups and outcome workshops. Through these methods and the participative process, the evaluation team directly interacted with 51 local NGO partners in Bangladesh, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya and Pakistan.

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Transforming Surge Capacity Project: Tracking reports of crises from 2015 to 2018

From 2015 to 2018, Glenn, Lois and Sarah tracked and documented the INGO surge response to major crises:
2015 Nepal Earthquake
2015 slow onset crises
2016 Bangladesh floods
2016 Haiti Hurricane Matthew
2016 Typhoon Nock Ten – the Philippines
2017 Rohingya refugee crisis
For each crisis, the main trends and challenges for humanitarian actors were identified through surveys and interviews with those staff directly involved in responding, complemented by available documentation, monitoring data and reporting. 

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The state of surge capacity in the humanitarian sector – 2015

Lois and Glenn were the lead researchers for this report for the Transforming Surge Capacity project led by ActionAid in coalition with 11 other INGOs. This report presented an analysis of the state of surge across the humanitarian sector in 2015, drawing from aid agency views on working collectively on surge and providing an assessment of changes in surge practice since 2007.

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Transforming Surge Capacity Project: Tracking reports of crises from 2015 to 2018

From 2015 to 2018, Glenn, Lois and Sarah tracked and documented the INGO surge response to major crises:
2015 Nepal Earthquake
2015 slow onset crises
2016 Bangladesh floods
2016 Haiti Hurricane Matthew
2016 Typhoon Nock Ten – the Philippines
2017 Rohingya refugee crisis
For each crisis, the main trends and challenges for humanitarian actors were identified through surveys and interviews with those staff directly involved in responding, complemented by available documentation, monitoring data and reporting. 

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Transforming Surge Capacity Project: Tracking reports of crises from 2015 to 2018

From 2015 to 2018, Glenn, Lois and Sarah tracked and documented the INGO surge response to major crises:
2015 Nepal Earthquake
2015 slow onset crises
2016 Bangladesh floods
2016 Haiti Hurricane Matthew
2016 Typhoon Nock Ten – the Philippines
2017 Rohingya refugee crisis
For each crisis, the main trends and challenges for humanitarian actors were identified through surveys and interviews with those staff directly involved in responding, complemented by available documentation, monitoring data and reporting. 

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Transforming Surge Capacity Project: Tracking reports of crises from 2015 to 2018

From 2015 to 2018, Glenn, Lois and Sarah tracked and documented the INGO surge response to major crises:
2015 Nepal Earthquake
2015 slow onset crises
2016 Bangladesh floods
2016 Haiti Hurricane Matthew
2016 Typhoon Nock Ten – the Philippines
2017 Rohingya refugee crisis
For each crisis, the main trends and challenges for humanitarian actors were identified through surveys and interviews with those staff directly involved in responding, complemented by available documentation, monitoring data and reporting.

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Transforming Surge Capacity Project: Tracking reports of crises from 2015 to 2018

From 2015 to 2018, Glenn, Lois and Sarah tracked and documented the INGO surge response to major crises:
2015 Nepal Earthquake
2015 slow onset crises
2016 Bangladesh floods
2016 Haiti Hurricane Matthew
2016 Typhoon Nock Ten – the Philippines
2017 Rohingya refugee crisis
For each crisis, the main trends and challenges for humanitarian actors were identified through surveys and interviews with those staff directly involved in responding, complemented by available documentation, monitoring data and reporting. 

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Norwegian Refugee Council: Evaluation of NRC’s 2012-13 protection and advocacy work in the DRC

Owl RE carried out an evaluation of f NRC’s 2012-13 protection and advocacy work in the DR Congo. The evaluation assessed outcome level results and fed into developing strategy, tactics and monitoring mechanisms for future activities.

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Study of ACAPS analytical products

Lois and Glenn carried out this study on ACAPS analytical products for humanitarian needs assessments. Through semi-structured interviews with end users, the study looked at frequency of use, preferences for content and type of use by user profile.

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